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Welcome to My Book Blog!

Thanks for visiting my blog! My name is Phebe and I am an avid reader of books. I have a lot of questions running in my head at times; and usually, to get an answer, I reach for a book... or two. I have books and magazines (the useful kind) in my bedroom, bathroom, living room, kitchen and home office. My personal wish is to someday have a personal library with a bookshelf that spans a whole wall (or two) from floor to ceiling.

The reason I decided to start this blog is because I want to share the many good books that I read. Also, let me add (while it's on my mind) that most of the books I read are non-fiction. I'm an artist, so basically I don't really need the "entertainment" books; I am quite capable of imagining my own stories (if I must). Most of the books I read are self-help books- that is, they cover topics on the areas of my life where I need assistance. Don't misunderstand, I am not a mental case (Lol!). The self-help books I'm talking about are books that help me in personal areas, such as arts & crafts, Christian ministry and lifestyle, computers and technology, business (at-home), health & beauty and whatever else will make my life a little easier.

So, take the time to visit my blog often, to see what books I'm reading and/or recommending.

Happy Reading!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

A Couch and Two Books: Up Again

A Couch and Two Books: Up Again: I gotta admit- books are what keep me up late at night. It seems I want information, all the time. And somewhere in America, there is usual...

Up Again

I gotta admit- books are what keep me up late at night. It seems I want information, all the time. And somewhere in America, there is usually someone out there who has written a book (if not only an article) that has some of the answers I'm looking for.

Right now, I am reading a book called "The Rise to Respectability: Race, Religion, and the Church of God in Christ" (by author Calvin White, Jr.). For those who aren't familiar with the Church of God in Christ, it is a predominately African American Pentecostal denomination, with nearly 5 million members in the US. and (as the author puts it) is "debatably" the fourth largest religious organization in the US. I am personally a member of this organization, which is one of the reasons I chose to read the book. I wanted to find out more about the organization to which I've belonged since birth. My father was a COGIC pastor.

That being said, what actually LED ME to the book was my desire to know how African Americans went from being once a pretty religious, God-fearing, conservative, hard working, striving-to-advance group of people to the present day more liberal, self-absorbed, not-so-motivated, and often angry people. [In defense, we are not all the same, nor act the same (as with any race of people)] But, I am concerned about the Black community. So, while searching for a book on the history (mainly, the religious history) of Blacks, I came across Calvin White's book. Other than being a very good source of info about the COGIC orginization, it is actually opening my eyes to what went wrong in the Black community. So far, I'm gathering that there has always been this "need" of Black to gain the respect of their White counterparts. That being said, I want go any further. But, it is a great book! I'm almost half finished. Think I'll read a little more before I go to bed.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

FabJob Books

If you're interested in starting your own business, but you need a little mentoring or instruction to do so, I recommend FabJob Books. You'll find a variety of books about different careers that you can start on your own.

Personally, I've tried the FabJob Become an Interior Decorator book. It was very informative and helpful. I had considered starting my own decorating franchise business at one point, and was required to take an exam to determine my qualification. Thanks to what I learned from my FabJob book, I scored HIGH on the test. 

FabJob offers many other career books. To see if there is a book for you, visit www.fabjob.com.


Butterscotch Pecan Personal Pan Cookies!

Need I say anything more! I was WOWED by this recipe, last night, as I lay in the bed at 2 a.m. searching for magazines on my Kindle. (Yeah, I know it was late, but I do my best "research" in the A.M.) Why was I wowed? First of all, look at the ingredients- butterscotch...and pecans! Think about the presentation... Personal Pan (as in Pizza!). Well, it's no pizza, but a deep dish butterscotch pecan cookie sounds GOOD to me!

But what REALLY wowed me about this cookie is that it is served up in an IRON SKILLET! Now, I don't know about all of my readers, but if you happen to be from the South (USA), then you know that if something is being served up in a cast iron skillet, it's gotta be good! I'm talking old fashioned-- full of Mama/Grandma memories--- with a BIG family sitting around the table- Southern Fried Chicken on the Bone---Sweet cornbread--- GOOD! (OK, you describe it however you will :-).

So, what magazine was smart enough to serve up that recipe? It was TASTE OF THE SOUTH magazine. I didn't know they existed- in fact, they are fairly new. To be honest, I was a little skeptical before I downloaded it to my Kindle (Do they really know about Southern Food?); but since I get 30 days of free viewing on my Kindle, I took the chance. Now this was their "Annual Cast-Iron Issue," and it boasted on the front cover that I would find "the South's Best Fried Chicken" inside. Enough said!

Other than those delicious-sounding cookies I mentioned, here are a few of the other recipes that I found inside.

  • Pinto Beans with Smoked Hamhocks
  • Shrimp Etouffee
  • Cast Iron Steaks w/Mushroom Sauce
  • Strawberry Pound Cake (Hint: it's baked in a cast-iron skillet)
  • Pineapple Upside Cake
  • Skillet Blackberry Cobbler
  • Bacon and Okra Griddle Cakes
  • Salmon Croquettes
  • Cajun Salmon Croquette Burgers

...and more!

And if you are really from the South, you can't help but appreciate a good magazine, like this. Get your own copy at Amazon.com.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

"Priddy Books"

The first time I saw the words "Priddy Books"- actually "www.priddybooks.com," I thought it was a neat little name that someone had come up with to sell cute little girly books- Ooh! That's so priddy!!!. The web address was on the back of  a package of ABC Wipe Clean Activity Flash Cards that I purchased from an outlet store for my three yr. old daughter. Being really impressed at how smooth and easy they were to erase (and how much she really enjoyed them!), I wondered who made them and if they sold anything else. I was also impressed at how big and bold the letters were on the cards- making it very easy for her to trace (and she's learning her letters quickly!) The cards are about 5"w x 7.5"h and are very sturdy.

When I Googled "priddybooks" I found that they are sold at Amazon.com (my favorite site); so, I visited the site for more info. Surprisingly, I found that there are OVER 200 PRIDDY PRODUCTS!

Another surprise- they all had the name "Roger Priddy" as the author, which explains the product description. The story of Roger Priddy was very impressive to me- a young man who left school at the age of 16, with one skill/talent to build on - ART. He continued to study art and eventually developed a whole slew of great books and learning products for preschoolers/kinder-gardeners. Mr. Priddy has 4 kids of his own, so he has hands-on experience with developing children.

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Priddy Book products to any parent that wishes to teach their child(ren) the ABC's, Numbers, Writing, Reading, etc. at home. I don't think there's a better product. Trust me, I also purchased for my daughter a LeapFrog device, which is helpful as well; but, there's something about putting  marker to paper (or wipe-off cards), that really helps develop a child's memory, writing and motor skills.

It's very likely I will continue to buy Priddy products in the future. So far, I've purchased the Wipe Clean ABC Flash Cards, the 1,2,3 Flash Cards and the Tracing and Pen Control Workbook- all high quality products!

Find More Roger Priddy Books

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


The beginning of a New Year is a time that most of us decide to change some of our unpleasant, bad, counter-active habits. This year, I intend to change my habit of being late for almost everything, and my habit of going to bed at 2 a.m. and after (then getting up at 10 a.m. or after... but at least I do get my 8 hours of sleep!).

I did find a very good book, written by a Christian mom (Davonne Parks), titled "28 Days to Timeliness." It has been very helpful in helping me to think twice about being late and making an effort to avoid it. I've managed to be on time for about 3 events, so far since reading it. Yay!

But, seeing that I still have the late night, staying up habit, I decided to try other books to address that. First, I tried "The Power of Habit" (Charles Duhigg). Not a bad book, but after reading about 70% of it (Kindle Fire lets you know how much you've read), I realized that the book hadn't really answered my question: "How do you successfully change a habit?" Instead, it talked about how others had made major changes, sparked by some life changing event. Unfortunately, for me, nothing major is happening in my life to make me wanna change my sleeping habit (I just think I'd be more productive, if I do). The good part about this book is that the story-telling style of it will keep you reading- for a while, anyway. Unfortunately, my patience ran out (it's 286 pages long). When I want information, I prefer the "get to the point" approach, which led me to the next book.... "The Power of Changing Habits- No S**t Guide" (Charles Duncan).

To all my Christian friends reading this: please don't judge me by this book! I would have never chosen a book with cussing in the title, purposely- I just really want to change my habit. Anyway, as for this book (by the way, they didn't cuss inside, that I recall), it was shorter than the first "habit" book, but I can't say it was better. In fact, I disagree with the latter part of its title. I read and read, and all I can say is that I felt like I was in a psychologist's office, being analyzed. The book kept talking about why people develop habits; and, the author was quite repetitive with words. I finished the book, thinking "Is this it? Where's the information I was looking for?" In fact, this was probably the very first Kindle book that I requested a REFUND for. It was simply lacking.

Well, I'll keep searching for a good "change you habit" book. I'll try to stay away from "cussing titles" in the process. It's 2:21 a.m. now- guess it's time for bed. :-)